

It's a fact that one of the biggest problems with today's software is lack of good documentation, or any documentation for that matter. Programmers generally don't have a lot of time to document their work, and the things they do document are usually oriented towards other programmers. While we can appreciate the programmers point of view, we feel it's necessary to cater to a larger audience (i.e our users) by providing clear, concise information on how to use our software. The sections below will bring all of these pieces of information together for you.

Before you get started with Window Maker, you need to have an understanding of how to make use of the documentation that comes with the source distribution. The main objective to using documentation is to understand it, which coincidentally requires that you read it. A common mistake is for new or novice users to overlook this information, leading them to frustration and a bad first impression. Please take a moment to peruse the sections below, which should make the experience of learning Window Maker a more pleasant one.

Very frequently asked question

  • Can I easily mount my external drives or connect to the internet with Window Maker?

    Yes, you can. Mounting external media is not the problem of a window manager to solve, but a tipical Window Maker user can mount external media just as easily as any other desktop user. If you use a dockapp like wmvolman or wmudmount you are just a click away from having your external media mounted on /media/VOLUME_LABEL.

    And you can just as easily manage your network connections using the standard nm-applet running in a system tray like wmsystemtray on your dock.

    essential dockapps

    wmvolman and wmsystemtray with nm-applet

Window Maker: Documentation